If you haven’t tried the prototype 3.0 yet, make sure to download it here: http://powerlevelstudios.com.
The changes in 3.0 make it really interesting to experiment with different Legendary Loot and Soul Gear to become quite powerful. Below are builds we think are valuable to graduate from wannabe reaper of soul to a real Soul Reaper!
If you missed the previous guide for 2.0, here it is.
The Builds
Stayin’ Alive
This build boasts incredible health bonuses due to the synergy between the Undead King Crown (Windy Fish) and the Nutty Band. Stay healed thanks to all the Life Percent On Turn bonuses. Plus, the Paw Pendant and the Sharpener Soul Gear synergizes really well due to increase Life On Kill, which now also gets applied on Hit.
Nutty Band: Life Percent On Turn, Health Bonus
Undead King Crown (Windy Fish): Doubles vitality received from the Windy Fish soul gem
2 slotted armor: Holy Shield (Shield Turtle, Saint Squirrel): Life Percent On Turn, Life on Combat End
Paw Pendant: Life on Kill gets applied on hit
3 slotted weapon: Sharpener (Stabby Squirrel, Bubbly Fish, Feline Clawer): Life On Kill, Life on Kill gets applied on hit
Party Player
The Carapace Shield’s bonus is really incredible. Slot any soul gem that does buffing or healing and it will target all your allies. The increase in Intelligence from the Undead King Crown with Bubbly Fish makes it so you can cast more often!
Carapace Shield (Saint Squirrel or Shield Turtle or Burning Worm): Heal all party members.
Undead King Crown (Bubbly Fish): Doubles Intelligence received from the Bubbly Fish soul gem.
Better Together
Similar to the Party Player build: deal damage to ALL targets. Take advantage of this by slotting your most effective single target soul!
Carapace Shield (any single target Soul Action): Deal damage to all targets.
Undead King Crown (Bubbly Fish): Doubles Intelligence received from the Bubbly Fish soul gem.
The Frequent Unreaper
You basically get two meat shields and damagers for the price of one. Take advantage of enemy weakness that way. Beware of spirit expenditures though!
Undead King Crown (Bubbly Fish): Doubles Intelligence received from the Bubbly Fish soul gem.
Worm Threaded Necklace: Slotted Soul gets unreaped twice
The Cheap Unreaper
Using the Red Rose, you can now cast Soul Actions for free while having a meat shield.
Red Rose: Slotted Souls have their spirit cost reduced to 0 when unreaped.
Beef Up!
There’s no better way to level up a soul of your choice, all the while beefing up the Soul Reaper thanks to increased exp.
For extra efficiency, combine with the Better Together build and fight the largest possible groups of monsters.
Beef Up Belt: Gain way more exp and reap two souls of the same type as the slotted soul for the price of one!
You die I die
The main idea here to have a 2 slot head piece. Red Rose usually comes with 2. With the Disgusting Mask, an attacker receives a large percentage of the damage back to them. Plus they get a burn effect that damages them every turn. Amplify the burn effect using Drakey Toothey with Scorch Blade Soul Gear, the Ring of Fire, Burning Man and Hot Wrap.
It’s a good idea to not equip that in areas with monsters with high resistance or absorption of fire damage.
Red Rose: Disgusting Mask (Burning Worm, Octoblader): Burn On Turn, Thorns
Drakey Toothey: Scorch Blade (Flame Bee, Stabby Squirrel, Burning Drake): Fire Damage Bonus
Ring of Fire: Fire Damage Bonus
Burning Man: Fire Damage Bonus
Hot Wrap: Fire Damage Bonus
You wait, I act
Apply a slow effect to all targets thanks to the Carapace Shield’s unique attribute. Power up the fire damage more with all the legendary fire-based loot.
Carapace Shield (Octoblader): Slow effect gets applied to all targets
Drakey Toothey: Scorch Blade (Flame Bee, Stabby Squirrel, Burning Drake): Fire Damage Bonus
Ring of Fire: Fire Damage Bonus
Burning Man: Fire Damage Bonus
Hot Wrap: Fire Damage Bonus
How to get the loot in these builds
We’re only going to cover the loot that’s new in 3.0. For the 2.0 loot, follow this link.
Paw Pendant
Trade Level 100 Feline Clawer Soul Gem
Red Rose
Very rare treasure drop
Carapace Shield
Trade Level 100 Shield Turtle Soul Gem
Beef Up Belt
Very rare treasure drop
Worm Thread Necklace
Trade Level 100 Burning Worm Soul Gem
What do you think?
Have you tried any of these builds? Which one worked best for you? Have you found any other great build?