Cover Photo by Balaji Malliswamy on Unsplash
Magically get more hours by avoiding them, starting today
I’m often asked what makes me so productive. While I follow some of the top productivity advice you might see on the internet, I’d argue that it has to do with unconventional micro-habits I’ve developed over time. These small practices, which compound over time, are giant time savers.
When people ask me that question, I never know how long they want the list to be. So, for you reading this, I’m giving you the whole list, divided into seven categories:
1. Using a computer
2. At work
3. Going somewhere
4. While Shopping
5. At home
6. In school / Learning
7. In life
*Note: Implementing them all is borderline insanity. Plus, some may not apply to you. Take the ones to apply, ignore the ones that don’t, and enjoy all the extra time you’ve created for yourself!
Using a computer
Photo by NordWood Themes on Unsplash
1. Using menus when you can use keyboard shortcuts
The less you use your mouse the better. People not familiar with keyboard shortcuts see me use a computer and think it’s wizardry. It’s not. Learn keyboard shortcuts for everything you do. I’m likely 4–5x more productive than the average computer user.
2. Not setting your mouse at max speed
When you do need to use the mouse, make sure it’s at max speed. Lower than that, you’re wasting valuable time going from one icon to the next. It doesn’t take more than 1–2 days to get used to it.
3. Not watching instructional videos at 2x
Add subtitles. You’re welcome.
4. Searching for files and apps with your eyes instead of the search function
Use the “Windows” key on PC and “Cmd + Spacebar” on mac to start searching. You can find and open files and apps A LOT faster that way. No need to even touch your mouse!
5. Typing with 2 fingers
Nothing to say here…
6. Typing while looking at your keyboard
Just learn the proper technique. You’ll lose productivity for the first two weeks, but you’ll get it back really fast in the coming weeks. Use this tool to practice.
7. Not taking advantage of auto-suggestions
Many software now shows you smart suggestions of things to type. I found Gmail does a great job at that. I save a few seconds per email, allowing me to reply to more in less time.
8. Working for a software instead of making it work for you
If using a software makes you curse, find an alternative that doesn’t. Using the right software for you can save you a lot of wasted time!
9. A slow internet connection
Why insisting on saving a few dollars to wait 200x more? My mom has 5mbps internet and pays $50 (CAD) for it. I pay $70 (CAD) for it and it’s 1000mbps. Literally 200x faster. These $20 extra pay for themselves in less than a day by not waiting on pages to load!
10. Buying a subpar computer to save money
Same principle as above. People save money by getting slower CPUs (Core Processing Unit), lesser memory (RAM), and a Hard Disk Drive instead of a Solid State Drive. My computer is always zippy. I save at least 45 minutes a day when compared to someone using a slow computer. That’s 5.25 hours per week (assuming I use it on weekends). I pay for the difference in less than a month.
11. Waiting on a loading screen
Open a new tab, do something else.
12. Typing on your cellphone when you can type on your computer
I can’t stand using Messenger or Whatsapp on my phone. Some people can type fast~ish on mobile, but they can’t match my typing speed. I’m at least 2x faster on a computer. If I reply to 20 messages a day with a length of 1 minute each (on the computer), I save 10 minutes right there.
At work
1. Spending too much time at the water cooler or coffee machine
You really don’t need the extra 5–10 minutes there.
2. Going to meetings that have nothing to do with you
Can’t provide your input during a meeting? Skip it.
3. Going to meetings that don’t have an agenda
The organizer doesn’t know what they’re going to talk about? Skip it.
4. Not standing up and stretching your legs
Get some blood flowing through your body. Stand up and stretch frequently. Cheat by drinking tons of water, you’ll be forced to stand up and go to the bathroom!
5. Working on your hardest problems when you’re sleepy
Wasting hours trying to solve a problem and just can’t figure it out? Sleep on it, or come back to it when your mind is sharper.
6. Working for a company that frowns upon taking naps
Power naps are about the most productive 15–20 minutes you can ask for. If your boss doesn’t recognize that, change their mind asap or change jobs.
7. Not starting the day knowing what you’re going to do for the day
Having a mental plan of what you’re going to do during the day gives you a sense of direction, saving time figuring it out before starting it.
8. Allowing tap-on-the-shoulder interruptions
This is the most costly interruption of them all. Have strict rules to prevent those.
9. Not taking the time to adjust your chair and posture properly
You’ll need serious physiotherapy or chiropractic at one point because of it. Save yourself valuable time by making it right from the start.
10. Eating out every day
Wait to order. Wait to receive the food. Wait to pay for the food. If you do that, at least ask for the bill right away and pay while eating.
11. Living really far from where you work
Reduce commute time. One of the biggest time gain you can make, but I know it’s not that simple. Don’t dismiss it. Think outside-the-box.
12. Over-snacking
It makes you gain extra weight, prevents you from typing fast, and makes your keyboard dirty. Once in a while is fine. All day isn’t healthy. This one is a tough one for me personally.
Going somewhere
Photo by Amos Bar-Zeev on Unsplash
1. Walking slowly
Why walk in slow-motion when you need to get somewhere? Speed up! When I was working from an office, I would save 20 minutes per day walking faster than everyone else.
2. Waiting at traffic lights when you can take an alternative route
If your route is geographically diagonal, use the “stairs” technique. When blocked by a traffic light, simply go the other way.
3. Not Jay-walking
I know it’s illegal in some countries. But if I have to wait 15 minutes for 10 traffic lights every day, that’s 105 minutes per week. If the fine is the equivalent of 1 hour’s worth of work and I get to pay it every week (I certainly don’t), I just saved a ton of time and money by jay-walking.
4. Not finding and taking diagonals on your path
Walk through parks or parking lots. Even if Google shows you a path that’s different, sometimes diagonals can save you more time, even if it seems like a detour at first. Thank you, Pythagoras!
5. Going in circles when looking for things
Take a breath and think strategically. Panicking and rushing around every corner of where you are will not make you find what you’re looking for!
6. Waiting in line when you don’t need to
Some apps allow you to pre-order and pick up when ready. Just skip the line! It’s a cheat not enough people use. Most coffee chains have that feature in their app, take advantage of it!
7. Waiting 10 minutes for your Uber or cab when it takes you 10 minutes to walk it anyway
If you’re 10 minutes away by walking distance of anywhere, just walk it.
8. Waiting at the drive-through
I don’t get this one. Is going out of your car really that painful? I see massive queues at drive-throughs. I just get off my butt, go inside, order, and I’m out within 1–2 minutes. I just saved 10–15 minutes right there. I don’t even know how the people in their cars are not mad at me. I literally skipped the line!
9. Driving during rush hour
Create a win-win with your boss and ask them to start earlier or past rush hour. You save time and are less stressed, making your boss happy.
10. Commuting during rush hour
While buses, trams, and subways do run more frequently, they stop for a lot longer. And buses get stuck in traffic. I experimented taking half the metro line here before rush hour. I arrived a whole 20 minutes earlier than normally!
11. Waiting for the elevator when you’re just going up or down the third floor
Sometimes I even have time to brew coffee by the time my wife gets to our apartment while I went up the stairs. I’m on the 7th floor.
12. Not doing something during your commute
When not driving, read a book, write in your journal, go deep in productive thought. Just don’t stare in the void and look like a zombie. When driving, listen to a podcast on a topic that matters to you and fills you with good information.
While shopping
Photo by Anna Dziubinska on Unsplash
1. Not using self-checkout
Normally, they have 4–6 machines for one line. While the line may look big, and surely clients are slower than employees, it’s almost always faster because more clients can go at the same time. Plus, you really find people counting pennies there.
2. Going to the store without a plan or list
When you know what you want, you don’t need to go through all the aisles and visit 20 different stores.
3. Going to the groceries when you’re hungry
We all buy way more stuff when we’re hungry.
4. Going in person when you can buy online and get it delivered to you
Amazon and groceries stores that deliver are massive time savers. I’ve repaid my Amazon Prime membership within a few days only by saving so much time.
5. Not using contactless payment
It’s just so much faster than any other method of payment.
6. Wait in the shortest line, not realizing that people in front have massive shopping carts
It’s like going on the highway in the lane with the least amount of cars, but the cars in that lane all drive slowly. Shorter lines do not always equate to faster checkout.
7. Not using express checkout lines when you can
Lines at express checkout tend to be longer. It doesn’t matter, it’s much faster per client. It has rarely not been worth it to use them for me.
8. Going to a further away store to save pennies
My mom runs after sales, driving 20 minutes further to save $2 on detergent. That’s 40 minutes when you count the time to come back. Plus the price of the gas. She’s losing both time AND money.
9. Going in line with people you know will count their pennies at checkout
There are stereotypes. You can spot them with minimal practice, trust me.
10. Finding the absolute closest parking spot
Going in circles to find the closest spot wastes you a lot of time. Pick a decent spot and walk (unless you have a disability, in which case, disregard this).
11. Not using the divide-and-conquer method when going with someone
Shopping with a purpose and you’re with someone? Split up and regroup. After checkout, you have more time to do more fun stuff together.
12. Waiting for someone to move away from the middle of the aisle
Ask them to move (politely) or just go around from another aisle. Some people really don’t notice they’ve been blocking the way for 10 minutes while deciding which brand of mustard to get.
At home
Photo by Nathan Fertig on Unsplash
1. Taking long showers just because it feels good
Showers are great for washing yourself and for stimulating your subconscious mind. There are moments for long showers, just not every day.
2. Placing things in illogical places
Place things in the order in which they are being used. Take 5 minutes to re-organizing things and save countless time over the coming weeks.
3. Having a TV in front of a couch
That’s too comfortable and inviting. Netflix has to be the biggest productivity killer of all times.
4. Cooking bad food
Might as well just order it. If you’re going to shave off some time of your life by eating bad food, might as well save it back by not cooking it and getting at your front door.
5. Snoozing
Just set your alarm at the time you really need to wake up. No one’s judging you from not waking up stupid early.
6. Not getting the kid next door to mow the lawn
Moving the lawn is boring and takes time. Find someone more than happy to do it. The kid next door could learn important values from doing it.
7. Not getting the kid next door to shovel the snow
Same as above. Change for brooming dust or anything else that’s more relevant to where you currently reside.
8. Not cooking extras for leftovers
For most meals, it takes (almost) zero effort and time to make more. Do it and bring it to work or eat it the next day. I save at least 30 minutes every day doing that.
9. Not using tools to make your cooking faster
You can chop an onion in 3 seconds with the right tool. You can make smoothies in less than 1 minute with the right tool. Use them. How much time do you spend chopping veggies every meal?
10. Waiting next to the coffee machine while it brews
It takes more than 2 minutes. Just preemptively chop your veggies for dinner, read a book or the newspaper. Just don’t stand there doing nothing!
11. Cleaning too frequently
You don’t see any dust? Maybe it’s not that dirty! My wife apologizes for the “mess” when we get visitors. Our visitors are always puzzled. If you’re a clean freak, control yourself.
12. Taking the trash out when it’s not full (unless it smells…)
Probably not the biggest time waster, but when you do that on a daily basis, that’s 7 times 5 minutes wasted. I’d rather spend this extra 35 minutes doing other things.
In school / Learning
1. Going to school for a piece of paper
Go to school to learn.
2. Studying for tests
Study for knowledge and experience.
3. Studying by yourself
Studying in groups is 75% more effective.
4. Not changing your studying environment
Your brain associates the knowledge you acquire with the environment it was acquired in. “Trick” it by re-learning the same concepts in different environments.
5. Not recalling what you previously learned
Connections are rarely made in your brain on the first try. Use spaced repetition to let anything “sink in”.
6. Not implementing what you learned
Knowledge not put in practice is useless. True learning is when you use your acquired knowledge.
7. Not seeking a tutor or mentor when you don’t understand
You can waste time re-reading the same material, or you can seek advice from someone with experience. Guess which is more productive?
8. Taking elective classes because they are easy
Good for you. You just wasted 6 hours of your life per week for 4 months. That’s about 100 hours right there.
9. Doing a master’s when you have no clue what you want to do in life
You know you can always go back to school later, right? It doesn’t have to be a straight path.
10. Doing what you went to school for even if you lost your “passion”
You’re an engineer but prefer writing? When you do things you enjoy, you are more productive. It’s never too late to switch.
11. Going back to school because you are bored
Schools are time-consuming. Reflect on your “why” and choose if schooling is the right option.
12. Going to school because it’s what society tells you to
There are many ways to educate yourself. Because society tells you to go to school, it doesn’t mean it’s the best option for you or your kid. Education is the process of learning new skills. School is rarely the best way to make that happen.
In life
Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash
1. Not learning something new every day
The more you know, the more efficient you can be about executing things.
2. Not knowing your why
Being more self-aware is one of the most productive things you can do.
3. Not revisiting your self-awareness regularly
You change more regularly than you think you do. Revisit your self-awareness at least once a month.
4. Doing efficiently something that shouldn’t be done at all
Peter Drucker said it right. Evaluate priorities and don’t plan things you shouldn’t be doing anyway.
5. Not acting on things you read
You actually don’t learn much from simply reading. Your brain makes connections through action. Experiment with what you read and save time by not “relearning” every time you use the knowledge you’ve previously “acquired”.
6. Not delegating things other people would do faster and better
Use Fiverr and Upwork. Ask someone around you. Trade tasks for optimal results.
7. Not taking a damn break
You know the most productive way to grow muscles? Rest. That’s when they grow. Learn to rest your brain, even though it is an organ, it behaves like a muscle.
8. Not connecting with other people
Your network is your net worth. When I don’t know the answer to something and can’t find it on Google, I ask someone from my network. The bigger my network, the faster and better my answers.
9. Not listening to other people’s constructive feedback
You don’t know you suck until you ask someone for their brutal honesty. That’s how you see kids on talent shows being really bad and wasting years of their lives thinking they have “talent” when they really don’t. Invite people to tell you how you can improve, and act on it.
10. Not taking care of your health
Losing 10 years of your life through unhealthy habits is not productive.
11. Only thinking about yourself
The more you give, the more you get. But don’t do it for the reward. Do it for them. When you think of others, you tend to be happier, leading to higher motivation and less procrastination. And the opposite of procrastinating? Acting! That’s what I call productive!
12. Reading this article and doing nothing about it
Seriously, there has to be a few of the above micro habits you are doing on a regular basis. On a weekly basis, I probably have an extra 8–10 hours people don’t have. So if you ask me how I manage to spend 2 hours a day on learning new skills and still get to accomplish at least as much as you, you’ll find the solution in the above killers of productivity.
Do you already implement any of them?
Which ones do you want to start implementing?
Which ones do you not agree with?
What would you add to the list?
Let everyone know in the comments!
Whatever your plan of action is after reading this article, I challenge you to reflect on how you are wasting time. Make your own list of things to start or stop doing. Record them in a tool like this one.
I run the SkillUp Academy, and when people tell me they don’t have time to practice learning new skills with their busy day, I always think about the above time wasters. Everyone is guilty of doing at least of few of them.
So change your self-talk. Instead of saying “I don’t have time for…”, say “How can I find time for…”. Then you’ll be able to come up with a list like mine. Use the tool and skyrocket your productivity once and for all!
You can do this!